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Manslaughter Attorney in West Palm Beach FL

Results | Experience | Knowledge
We Protect and Defend the Rights of the Accused - Trial Lawyer Who Works Exclusively In All Areas Of Criminal Law. Serving all of the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast.

Manslaughter Attorney In Palm City/West Palm Beach

Manslaughter Attorney In Palm City / West Palm Beach

Manslaughter Laws in West Palm Beach FL

Florida Statute 782.07

In Texas, taking a human life is a serious event that can have severe consequences. Even when this kind of incident occurs accidentally, criminal charges can still be filed. When a person is killed as the result of negligence or recklessnessmanslaughter charges can be filed. The result can be imprisonment and fines for the person accused of the crime.

Manslaughter charges in West Palm Beach are distinct from murder charges, although they are still very serious.The main distinction between manslaughter charges and murder charges is the issue of intent. When a person intentionally kills another person in circumstances like a burglary, they can be charged with murder. However, if an accident or reckless actions result in a death, manslaughter charges can be filed.

What Is Manslaughter?
In the state of Florida, manslaughter is considered a type of criminal homicide along with murder. According to Section 782.07 of the Florida Penal Code, manslaughter occurs when:

  • A person recklessly causes the death of an individual

For the purposes of the law, a person can be considered to behave recklessly if they commit an action without the appropriate amount of care and caution. Engaging in a behavior that has the risk of death or injury can lead to manslaughter charges if a person dies as a direct result of the action and appropriate safety precautions were not followed.

Hire a Reliable Manslaughter Lawyer

Manslaughter charges are serious and require an attorney with the background to provide outstanding criminal defense. Wayne Richter is proactive in the defense of his clients. Hiring West Palm Beach criminal defense attorney Wayne Richter prior to an arrest, or immediately following your arrest, can be vital to your defense. Call Wayne Richter for a free initial consultation and case evaluation with an experienced manslaughter lawyer in West Palm Beach and Palm City Florida.