Solicitation of Prostitution Defense Attorney In Palm City / West Palm Beach
Dealing With Solicitation of Prostitution Charges in West Palm Beach
Florida Statutes 796.07
Accusations of solicitation of prostitution can cause severe harm to the alleged offender, even if the individual did not commit the crime. The social stigma of these crimes can cause irreparable damage to your life. If you receive charges of prostitution or solicitation, you must understand that the charges do not have to haunt you for the rest of your life.
R. Wayne Richter is an experienced West Palm Beach solicitation of a prostitution defense lawyer who works with alleged criminals to uphold their rights. He offers aggressive defense and helps individuals clear their record of false contentions. Let Wayne Richter protect your
Committing Prostitution, Solicitation and Related Crimes in Florida
Florida has very specific laws prohibiting prostitution and the solicitation of prostitution. According to the Florida Penal Code, an individual commits this offense if he or she knowingly engages in any type of sexual conduct for a fee. Individuals can receive charges for prostitution by simply agreeing or offering sexual activity for payment. If an individual solicits another for sexual activity in a public place for a fee, this is also a crime.
Promoting and compelling prostitution are similar criminal offenses that are indirectly involved with the actual act of prostitution. If an individual receives money or property as payment for prostitution or solicits another to engage in the act, the state may accuse this person of the promotion of prostitution. Compelling another individual by force, threat or fraud to commit prostitution is also illegal. Serious legal punishment often accompanies these crimes.
A knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer can help individuals charged with prostitution or solicitation find the proper defense for their specific case. Two examples of defenses against these charges include:
- Entrapment – Police officers cannot encourage or urge you to commit a crime. If you receive charges of prostitution crimes as the result of an undercover police operation, the police may have unlawfully entrapped you into committing the crime.
- No Monetary Exchange – If law enforcement cannot produce evidence that there was money exchanged, then the act was merely consensual sex between individuals and no crime occurred.
Fighting Solicitation of Prostitution requires the skill and knowledge of an experienced criminal defense attorney like Wayne Richter. Wayne handles all types of drug offenses in both State and Federal courts. Most of the laws regarding prostitution in Florida are contained in Chapter 796 of the Florida Statutes.
Consult With a Solicitation of Prostitution Defense Lawyer
Wayne Richter offers a complimentary initial consultation and will assure you of a thorough evaluation of your case to explore potential defenses tailored to your specific case.
Contact our office immediately to schedule a free consultation to find out how our solicitation of prostitution defense lawyer can help defend your charges.